Today is my youngest son's birthday. Weeks ago I had asked him what he wanted as a theme for his birthday. I was not planning a big celebration with a bunch of his friends, but the usual cake and some themed decor. I thought I was getting off easy by his choice of a theme we had done for one of his brothers years ago. I still had some of the decorations from that party. All we needed now was a choice of cake flavors and I was supposed to be ready to go. My problem, of course, was procrastination. I always want to do something a little extra for my kids on their birthday, even if it is just a balloon at the kitchen table, but I lack time management skills, and it shows!
I was supposed to make a hearty breakfast for everyone this morning. My husband and the boys were going to be at a local state park doing some outdoor activities while I was to be at the office for my regular work hours. Cooking some eggs and bacon should not have been a problem. But, I do not usually cook breakfast on weekdays (it's usually just cold cereal or hot oatmeal at our house), and I did not decorate last night. I did bake the cupcakes my son wanted, but they are still without any frosting or decorations. I so carefully cut out all of those cake toppers last night while the cupcakes were in the oven, that I missed the sound of the timer going off! We will find out tonight if I ruined the cupcakes.
I stayed up late last night, and woke up 45 minutes later than usual. This left me little time to do what I wanted. I hurriedly found the birthday banner and taped it to a wall. It was not my ideal spot, but it was where it fit. I woke up the boys (they share one bedroom) and had them get dressed. I was able to get myself ready, and even start the bacon in the oven (no time to stand over the stovetop). The bacon came out crispier than I intended. but edible. But, my stress of not being ready for today showed. I yelled at my husband to help me (more than once) and I threatened to cancel the birthday if the kids did not take out the trash. Everyone was able to eat their bacon and eggs, but I did not kiss anyone goodbye when we left at the same time. I yelled "have a great time!", but it sounded weak and insincere.
The kids did not seem too phased by my attitude (they even helped me find my glasses), but my husband did. In my head, I was thinking "I'm the only one that cares. He isn't doing anything for the kids. They are acting like they don't even hear me." I took out the consequences of procrastination out on my family, rather than do my best to remedy the situations at hand. Brian and I had a little heart-to-heart after one of us left the breakfast table. He explained to me that he was not "just sitting around", he was trying to get everything ready for their outing. He was also trying to teach some of the kids how to tie their shoes. I told him how I was upset that I did not have any set plans, even though we had invited some relatives over. My lack of planning was effecting every one in the house, plus others.
I believe everything will still work out. When I arrived at the office, I just sat in my chair and prayed. I could not approach my work by being frantic and upset. I did not want to be unprofessional with anyone I interacted with, and I did not want to sulk over my harried morning, nor stress over what I wanted to do later today. I acknowledged that my Lord is greater than me, that He can handle everything, big or small. I gave Him my problems and stresses for the day. I thanked Him for loving me and giving me such great people in my life, especially with all of my flaws. (My children still wanted to spend time with me this afternoon!) When I talk to God, I usually feel peace right away.
I hope that everyone who reads this can be encouraged. How? I usually read some sort of devotion before I even get out of bed. That did not happen today because I woke up so late. I did not read anything until I was already at work (perks of working in a church). I opened up one of my bible apps on my phone and the verse of the day was this:
2 Thessalonians 3:3 English Standard Version (ESV)
3Â But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.[a]
Footnotes: 2 Thessalonians 3:3 Or evil
I see this verse as fitting for my day. I could have let all of the little things ruin my day and just be miserable and grumpy. I could have let misunderstandings remain and not reconcile with my husband, leading to an unhappy marriage. Instead, the Lord was faithful to me, as He has promised. I needed a reminder of that.
