And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17 (English Standard Version)
Although it is the week of Thanksgiving here in the USA, II was recently thinking about the Christmas slogan, “Jesus Is the Reason for the Season”. I watch more Christmas-themed movies than I should, all year round. According to most of these movies, Christmas is all about: being with loved ones, generous giving, magic, peace and joy, making memories, family traditions, and falling in love. All of those things can be lovely, but most movies forget that we would not have Christmas if Jesus had never been sent here to earth. Everything we do, during any season, should be for Him. We should be giving thanks, not just for this week of good food and time off from work and school, but for all that we have. Everything you do, think of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thank Him.
