Each and every day, it becomes more and more evident that Satan is alive and well in the world. The events of the past week provide ample evidence.
As Elders of First Christian Church, we feel it is necessary that we publicly address the issue of a former youth sponsor being accused of inappropriate relations with three young ladies who, at that time, were teenagers. As Elders of the Church, here is how we are handling the situation.
First and foremost we have been, and are, continually praying. Praying for all those involved: the three ladies, the former youth sponsor, and also their families who, for no other reason than being related, have been mercilessly spoken of and slandered in social media.
Secondly, we as Elders, and Brian as your minister, are here 24/7 to talk with anyone who may need to speak with us about anything. We know many hearts are broken and what we desire more than anything else is for God to heal each and every one.
As Christians, how should we. as a body of believers, handle the situation? First, just like your Elders: PRAY! Prayer is always first and foremost. It is not the least we can do; it is the most we can do! We serve a mighty God!
Secondly, we should LOVE! Love all who are involved. Both sides and their families. As I alluded to earlier, the jackals of social media have made their presence known, attacking the young ladies, attacking the accused, attacking their families and attacking the Church. It is amazing the "nice" people who pounce when a person is down. DON'T BE THAT PERSON! INSTEAD: LOVE!
A true Christian should be broken-hearted about this situation on all sides. Many comments I have seen and heard bring to mind the old saying: Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. More importantly:
Jesus said: Whoever is without sin should cast the first stone.
In other words: Unless you are perfect, allow God to be the Judge.
It is my prayer that we all see with eyes of humility, knowing we are all sinners saved by the mercy and grace of a Savior who loves us ALL unconditionally. We are ALL made in the image of God and, just like Jesus died for you, He died for them.
In this situation and in all things: May we be known by our love!
