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Not a Pep Talk

What do you do in an intense moment? When I would take a test at school, especially the college entrance exams, I would get really anxious, if I thought I was well-prepared or not. When I was in a job interview or performance review, I would get a bit anxious. To calm my nerves, I would usually take a few slow breaths, and maybe even close my eyes. The most important thing, though, was that I would pray. I needed God there with me.

Our eldest son, Lyzander, is on his school archery team. At the competition tournaments, the archers straddle the line and shoot at their targets, one or two archers each target, at the same time. This could be dozens of archers at the same time. At the recent state tournament, more than 200 archers were shooting at the same time! I do not know much at all about how to actually shoot a bow and arrow. My only advice for my son was to do what your coaches have been telling you to do at all of your practices, and pray to God before (and while) you are out there. I really don't know if he ever listens to me, but it always seems like he is very cool and collected when he shoots.

I will continue to give that advice to my children as they now embark on baseball season. Although baseball (and t-ball) are team sports, going up to bat is a very important part of the game that each player must do. They have to step out of the dugout, away from their friends, and face the opposing team alone. There may be runners on the other bases, counting on you for a hit to allow them to make it home. There may be two outs already and it is now up to you to keep the rally going. Going up to bat is an intense moment! Again, I am not very good at coaching baseball, but I can tell me kids to talk to God before they get up there, and even while they are standing at home plate.

It is not wrong to want to do well. God is not against you trying to do your best, whether it be a job interview or playing a sport. Whatever you do, do it honorably and for the glory of God! Let God know that you need Him, and that you want to do your best for Him.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.\

1 Corinthians 10:31 (Christian Standard Bible)

And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17 (Christian Standard Bible)

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