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I've Got Spirit, How 'Bout You?

Michaelene Doyle

In high school, I was a member of the Spirit Club. I think I was even president of the club one year. This was not a Christian club, but a group that helped promote school spirit. We were not cheerleaders and most of us were not on the student council, but we cheered on our team in the stands. I was voted "Most Spirited" my senior year of high school. I even taught at my alma mater for a couple of years and helped advise/sponsor one of the graduating classes. I would attend reunions and homecoming for my university.

My role, now that I am not in any school as student or staff, is a bit different. I now mainly support the teams and schools that my own children are a part of. I am their #1 fan, along with their father. I am also my husband's. They often look to me at least once when they are playing a sport, performing, or on a stage. I am very proud of my family. If I lived closer to extended family, I would be cheering them on too. My best, lately, has been to cheer them on while watching online.

When there is a competition, someone has to win. That means that somebody also has to lose, unless there is only one in the competition. When I cheer on my team/person, I want to keep it positive. That means, I do not put the others down. I want to build up, rather than tear down. I love that little league sports have a standing rule (written or not) that the teams say "good game" after every game. Professional sports definitely do not have that rule! I am all for healthy competition, but I am more for good sportsmanship. I have been on winning teams and have cheered for the best, and I have been on losing teams and still cheered. Let's be humble and bless others! God's watching.

8 Finally, all of you be like-minded and sympathetic, love one another, and be compassionate and humble,9 not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing, since you were called for this, so that you may inherit a blessing.

1 Peter 3:8-9 (Christian Standard Bible)

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